Homeowners insurance for Arizona*

Need home insurance in the Grand Canyon State? Get a quote today.

The Grand Canyon State has had only 68 federally declared natural disasters since 1953. For the most part, that makes insuring your home in Arizona less expensive than it is in other states. But fewer natural disasters isn’t the same as no natural disasters. Arizona homeowners still need to be prepared for severe storms can bring - and that's where we come in.

*Hi, we're Kin, and we're built for the future. We've reimagined our policy forms to bring Arizona homeowners an innovative and customizable insurance product: House & Property insurance.

House & Property's base policy functions much like dwelling fire insurance, also called landlord insurance, that you might get from another insurer. It protects you against loss when you rent your home to others. But if you live in your home for some or all of the year, you can get an owner-occupied endorsement that gives you coverage like an HO3 policy, or standard homeowners insurance.

Read on to learn more about how we help Arizona homeowners. 

Why choose Kin to insure your Arizona home

Kin is an admitted carrier in Arizona which means that we are fully licensed to do business in the state.** Plus, we have a Demotech, Inc rating of an A - Exceptional. What this means to our policyholders is that we have the financial strength to pay claims, even under catastrophic circumstances.


As a direct-to-consumer insurance company, we consider ourselves innovators when it comes to providing you with outstanding insurance products. As such, we've developed a new product that serves homeowners and rental property owners: the highly customizable House & Property insurance policy. 

It doesn’t matter if you live in your home or rent it out; this policy can cover your risk. Combining two policies into one reduces underwriting costs, and that savings gets passed on to our customers. 

Our House & Property insurance can have the standard coverage you find in most home insurance policies including coverage for: 

If you live in the property, you may also get the following coverages: 

The policy automatically adjusts for those who don’t live in the property but instead rent it out. You don’t get loss of use, but rather, get loss of rental income

Our policies cover the major perils such as fire, wind, hail, and theft. All structures are covered for the replacement costs, which means we don’t nickel and dime you with depreciated values. 

How much does homeowners insurance cost in Arizona?

The average cost of homeowners insurance in Arizona is just $866 per year, well below the national average of $1,311. Working with us may help bring that cost down even more. Because our premiums are based on granular insurance data, like your home’s location, age, and construction type, their premiums more accurately reflect your home’s actual risk rather than the general risk for your area. 

Rates vary widely within the state, so the best way to see if you can save is to get a quote. Enter your address now or give us a call at 855-717-0022.

How to save money on your Arizona home insurance

One way to save on your homeowners insurance in Arizona is with discounts. We offer discounts and premium credits on our House & Property policies for:

  • Installing home security, water detection, or fire prevention devices.

  • Living in an incorporated area that uses a private fire company.

  • Keeping claims off your history for the past three years.

  • Choosing an e-policy.

Arizona also lets insurers use your credit history to help determine your premium, so improving your credit score can help lower your insurance costs. 

Another way to lower your premium is  to opt for a higher deductible. A higher deductible means you take on more financial responsibility in a claim, and that usually lowers your premiums. One important caveat about going this route: You want to make sure that you can afford the deductible you choose, even if the worst case scenario hits.

House & Property deductibles in Arizona

House & Property policies have two deductibles in Arizona. The first is the standard deductible, or an “all other perils” deductible, that applies to most claim situations. The other is a wind/hail deductible. Sometimes called a severe convective storm deductible, it applies to damage caused by thunderstorms. 

You can choose a standard deductible of: 

  • $500

  • $1,000

  • $2,500

  • $5,000

  • $10,000

For your wind/hail deductible, you choose either a flat or a percentage deductible. These options include: 

  •  $500

  • $1,000

  • $2,500

  • $5,000

  • $7,500

  • $10,000

  • 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, or 10% of your Coverage A limits.

Frequently asked questions about Arizona home insurance

Is home insurance required in Arizona?

No law requires a homeowner to buy home insurance in Arizona. However, you may be contractually obligated to purchase insurance from your mortgage lender. Lenders want you to have coverage to make sure their financial interest in the home is protected. 

On top of standard home insurance, you may also have to get flood insurance if you’re in a Special Flood Hazard Zone (SFHA). Homes in areas designated as a SFHA by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are required to have flood insurance if they want federally backed mortgages. Kin does not currently offer flood insurance in Arizona.

Does Arizona have a FAIR Plan?

Arizona does not offer a FAIR Plan (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements), the program that helps make high-risk home insurance more available. Homeowners who are unable to get home insurance may need to contact a broker licensed to sell excess and surplus lines insurance for options. 

Can you be refused home insurance?

An insurance company can deny you coverage and not issue you a policy. This can happen if your home doesn’t meet the insurer’s underwriting guidelines. For example, an insurance company may decide that your property is too high of a risk to insure and decline to cover it. 

What makes a home uninsurable?

A home may be uninsurable if it’s exposed to extreme risks, such as frequent and severe flooding. A home may also be deemed uninsurable if it doesn’t offer livable conditions and needs extensive repairs.  

**In Arizona, we operate as Kin Interinsurance Nexus Exchange, and our agency license number is 3001633284.

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The opinions expressed belong solely to individual reviewers and do not reflect the opinions of the Kin Insurance, Inc. group of companies or affiliates. Reviews are provided for informational purposes only.

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