Homeowners insurance for Covington, LA

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Sitting just north of Lake Pontchartrain lies the charming town of Covington. With a downtown dotted with restaurants, stores, and galleries, the town’s approximately 11,500 residents can always find something to do. For those who prefer the great outdoors, Covington offers scenic trails and waterways..

While Covington’s location provides plenty of opportunity to enjoy nature, it also puts residents in the path of storms that can roar out of the Gulf. And like most people in the Pelican State, Covington homeowners know they need quality Louisiana home insurance to be ready in case the worst-case scenario actually occurs.

It also means homeowners insurance in Covington, LA can be expensive. Let’s take a look at how much coverage costs and how working with Kin* can help.

How does home insurance in Covington cost?

Every year, Louisiana home insurance premiums are some of the most expensive in the country. Our most recent data puts the average cost of a homeowners policy over $2,000 per year. But that’s just the average. Homeowners in places like Covington often see even higher rates because they’re more likely to see major storms and floods.

Luckily, location is only one of several factors that impact your premium. Others include things like your home’s:

  • Square footage.
  • Age.
  • Amenities, like swimming pools or attached garages.
  • Framing type.

This is how policies purchased through Kin can help because the premium is based on thousands of data points. This means the premium considers the risk your home faces – not your neighbor’s – so the policies are priced more accurately. It also means home insurance via Kin can end up costing less than the competition.

What does Covington home insurance cover?

Homeowners insurance in Covington, LA protects you from financial losses. Your homeowners insurance policy typically has six main coverage parts – each one kicking in for a different type of loss.

Here are the coverage types that you’ll find in most home insurance policies:

A standard homeowners policy typically covers several perils, such as theft, fire, and windstorm. Policies purchased through Kin include hurricane insurance, but that mainly protects against wind damage. Flooding caused by storm surge often requires a separate flood insurance policy.

Unique risks for Covington homeowners

Over 60 hurricanes have passed through Covington since 1930, making the town a high-risk hurricane zone. Storm winds have downed power lines, uprooted trees, and caused significant home damage. This is why having hurricane insurance is so important for residents.

On top of the damage from hurricanes, Covington can also see flood damage. Flood maps show much of the area is designated Flood Zone AE. This is a Special Flood Hazard Areas where homeowners must get flood insurance if they have a federally backed mortgage.

Tips for lowering Covington home insurance costs

Covington homeowners who work with us to get insurance can sometimes be eligible for a discount. For example, homeowners often earn discounts when they:

Another money-saving strategy is to choose a higher deductible. When you do this, you take on more financial risk in a claim, which is why it usually ends up lowering your premium.

While this can be a good way to cut costs, it should be done with caution. You want to choose a deductible you know you can afford to pay even if you have a catastrophe claim.

The policies we sell have the following AOP (i.e., standard deductible) and hurricane deductibles:

  • $500
  • $1,000
  • $2,500
  • $5,000
  • $7,500
  • $10,000
  • Or 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, or 10% of Coverage A

If you have any questions about getting insured in Covington or would like a quote, enter your address or call us at 855-717-0022.

*Kin is Kin Insurance Network Distributor, LLC, a licensed surplus lines producer.

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